With this thought Mr. Kiran More & Mr. Vishal Singh started GURUKUL TRAINING & CONSULTANCY SERVICES Pvt. Ltd.. Meeting with many entrepreneurs we realized that today they are facing many challenges in doing Business. So we are here to serve them to build a Great Organization and fulfill their dreams.
GURUKUL TRAINING & CONSULTANCY SERVICE Pvt.Ltd. based at Surat started in 20th July 2016 Mr. Kiran More & Mr. Vishal Singh is Having 10 years of Huge Experience in various Industries. We focus on Development of MSME (Micro, Small & Medium Enterprise) & their TEAM through various Training Programs.
GURUKUL TRAINING & CONSULTANCY SERVICES Pvt. Ltd. is providing Business Development Services for Individual entrepreneurs & their Enterprises. We believe that as an entrepreneur we should always grow in Personal & Professional life for that we provide all the necessary skill & Knowledge. We believe in GROWTH so our Mantra is “WE MEAN BUSINESS”